What is Sales Enablement?
The term “sales enablement” gets thrown around a lot. At SupplyMover, it’s a core function of our software. So, what does it even mean?
What is Sales Enablement?
Simply put, sales enablement refers to the kind of support a sales team needs and wants at every point of contact with a customer. From who to call, to when to call, to what to sell, sales enablement makes sure the sales team has the tools they need to be successful and efficient every step of the way.
You can also define the success of a sales enablement system by the effect that it has on your sales team. A strong sales enablement system will mean they are getting the support that they need to post strong sales numbers and they’ll feel good about their day-to-day work processes. If they’re working through legacy processes and wasting time every day on data lookup, data entry, or other automatable tasks, you might want to see what systems are out there to help your team become more efficient.
As you can tell, this is a broad definition, sales enablement software includes a great deal of material and touches many people. You can have sales enablement processes, and you can have sales enablement specialists. For us at SupplyMover, it’s software.
What is Sales Enablement Software?
Our sales enablement software provides automation and consolidation for every touchpoint possible. We have alerts that tell you when you should call a client, and when a customer will likely place a new order.
We have AI-powered systems that provide you with item recommendations to sell your customers, from bestseller lists and hot items to previously purchased items and frequently purchased together and much more. Make sure your reps can take advantage of every cross-selling and upselling opportunity that they encounter.
And we have workflow automations to automatically schedule activities, send invoices, and more types of rote messages to customers so information never gets lost and manual effort doesn’t get in the way of vital information getting out.
That’s sales enablement you can rely on—from initial contact and point of sale to after the order is placed.
Want to find out if sales enablement could give your company the kind of boost you didn’t know you could have? Schedule a 15-minute discovery call to learn more about SupplyMover.